

单词 Offer for sale
释义 發售要約
An offer to the public by or on behalf of the holders or allottees of securities already in issue or agreed to be subscribed. In the case of offers by tender, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd must be satisfied as to the fairness of the basis of allotment so that every investor who applies at the same price for the same number of securities receives equal treatment: Listing Rules rr 7.06–7.07. The documentation for such an offer is substantially the same for a public issue, though some prospectus requirements may be waived if the selling shareholder has limited access to the company’s records and there is already a well-established, well-informed secondary market for the company’s shares. See also Offer; Public issue; Share.
由已發行證券的持有人或其代表,或獲分配已發行證券者或其代表,或同意認購者或其代表,向公眾發出的要約。如屬投標形式的要約,香港交易所必須信納向配售的基礎是公平,即每位投資者以同一價格申請同一數目的證券會獲得相同的代遇:《上市規則》第7.06至7.07條規則。發售要約的文件與公開發售的大致相同,但如果發售的股東查閱公司的紀錄的權力是有所限制的,而市場上就該公司的股票已有現存完善的及獲得告之的二手市場,但某些招股書的規定則可免去。另見 Offer; Public issue; Share。




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