

单词 Restitutio in integrum
释义 回復原狀
Lat – restoration to the original position. A court remedy which puts the parties back in the position they occupied previously. See also Personal property; Real property; Remainder.
Equity - The remedy which courts of equity administer to restore parties who entered into a contract under circumstances of fraud, duress, or mistake, to the positions they were in before entering into the transaction by way of rescission of the contract and compensation: Abram Steamship Co Ltd v Westville Shipping Co Ltd [1923] AC 773; Chan Yock Kwong v Wong Hee Mao [1962] HKLR 480. However, equity will not generally award rescission of a mistaken transaction where it is impossible to restore the parties to substantially their original positions: Amuse Hong Kong Ltd v Chan Kin-tim, Leslie [1994] 1 HKC 175, 1 HKLR 364 (CA). The principle of restitutio in integrum does not mean that a person is to be put back into the same position as before, but that he shall be put into as good a position as before: Compagnie Chemin de Fer Paris-Orleans v Leeston Shipping Co (1919) 36 TLR 68. Unless restitutio in integrum can substantially be made, the purchaser cannot exercise his right of rescission on the ground of the vendor’s default: Erlanger v New Sombrero Phosphate Co (1878) 3 App Cas 1218 (HL). See also Misrepresentation; Rescission.
Tort - The principle that the victim should be restored to the position he or she would have been in if the wrongful act or tort not been performed. A wrongdoer will be liable for the sum which is purported to restore the victim to his position before the tort was committed: Keep Point Development Ltd v Chan Chi Yim [2002] 1 HKC 131. The purpose of awarding damages is to put the plaintiff in the position as if no tort had occurred: Dowson & Mason Ltd v Potter [1986] 2 All ER 418, [1986] 1 WLR 1419 (CA). This maxim is subject to and limited by the principles of remoteness.
拉丁語 – 恢復原來的位置。由法院授予,把當事人置於他們之前佔有的位置的補救。另見 Personal property; Real property; Remainder。
衡平法 -   衡平法法院執行的補救,以撤銷合約和賠償的方式,恢復在欺詐,威迫或錯誤的情況下訂立合約的當事人,致他們在訂立交易前所處的位置: Abram Steamship Co Ltd v Westville Shipping Co Ltd [1923] AC 733; Chan Yock Kwong v Wong Hee Mao [1962] HKLR 480。但如不可能相當地回復當事人他們原來的位置,衡平法一般不會因錯誤交易授予撤銷:Amuse Hong Kont Ltd v Chan Kin-tim, Leslie [1994] 1 HKC 175, 1 HKLR 364 (上訴法庭)。回復原狀的原則並不並示把一人重置於與之前相同的位置,但會把他置於與之前儘量相似的位置:Compagnie Chemin de Fer Paris-Orleans v Leeston Shipping Co Ltd (1919) 36 TLR 68。除非可實質回復原狀,購買人不可基於賣方欠繳的理由而行使其撤銷的權利:Erlanger v New Sombrero Phosphate Co (1878) 3 App Cas 1218 (上議院)。另見 Misrepresentation; Resci。
侵權行為 -   應恢復受害人如沒有發生錯誤行為或侵權行為所應處的位置。侵權者會有法律責任支付一筆款額,其本意是回復受害人在被犯侵權行為之前的位置:Keen Point Development Ltd v Chan Chi Yim [2002] 1 HKC 131。授予賠償的目的在於把原告置於如沒有發生侵權行為的位置:Dowson & Mason Ltd v Potter [1986] 2 All ER 418, [1986] 1 WLR 1419(英國上訴法院)。此原則受制於及限於間接損害的原則。




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