

单词 Matrimonial property
释义 婚姻財產
The property interests to which the parties in a marital or de facto relationship may be entitled, whether in possession or reversion. The court has the power to declare and adjust the property rights of parties pursuant to a dissolution, annulment, or legal separation: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 6(1). However, the court cannot make an order in relation to property to the detriment of third parties: Ngai Wong Yun Ping v Ngai Yun Lung [1996] 3 HKC 488, 2 HKLR 472.
有婚姻關係的雙方或有事實上的婚姻關係雙方就財產權益享有的權利,不論是在管有上或是歸屬權利。法庭有權根據解除婚姻,婚姻無效或法律上的分居而就雙方的財產權利作出聲明或調整:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第)6(1)條。然而,法庭不能就有關財產發出對第三者不利的命令:Ngai Wong Yun Ping v Ngai Yun Lung [1996] 3 HKC 488, 2 HKLR 472。




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