

单词 Restitution
释义 復原
A remedy by which a plaintiff is restored to his or her original position before the loss or injury. See also Compensation; Damages; Quantum meruit.
Criminal law - 1. Restoring property to its true owner. The court may make a restitution order which is imposed for the return of the actual goods stolen: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 30(1a). The victim may only be compensated by an order of restitution to the extent of his loss (R v Parker [1970] 2 All ER 458, 54 Cr App Rep 339 (CA)) and it must be no more than the amount lost as a result of the offence which founds the order (R v Lewis [1975] Crim LR 353). An order can be made for the payment of proceeds of sale but only upon the application of the person entitled to the restoration of the stolen goods: ss 3, 30(1b), (1c); R v Tsui Fung (No 2) [1996] 2 HKC 551. 2. Making good the loss to another person. Restitution should be regarded as ancillary to a proper sentence rather than a substitute for such a sentence: HKSAR v Lui Kin Hong Jerry (No 2) [2001] 2 HKC 513. When considering the discount to be given because of the restitution made by a defendant, the court will take into account factors like the behaviour of the accused, for instance, whether the restitution was made in full, whether it was made voluntarily, and whether it was made very shortly after the crime in order to determine the degree of remorse on the part of the accused: HKSAR v Chiu Peng, Richard (CACC 287/2001, unreported). Voluntary, substantive restitution is a relevant fact in determining the appropriate sentence but the court will not bargain with the offender and late restitution or offers of restitution will usually be viewed as an attempt to buy a lenient sentence: R v Kwok Lai-ling [1989] 1 HKLR 418 (CA). Also known as ‘reparation’. See also Compensation; Reparation.
Foreign relation - A remedy available to a state that has suffered injuries from a wrongful act committed by another state. An injured state has the right to require the state committing the wrong to eradicate the consequences of the illegal act and re-establish the injured state in the situation it would have been in had the illegal act not occurred. This may involve restitution in kind, or payment in its place: Chorzow Factory Case (Germany v Poland), Merits 1928 PCIJ Ser A No 17. For example, Thailand was ordered to make restitution to Cambodia by restoring all religious objects that may have been removed from Cambodia: Temple of Preah Vihear Case (Cambodia v Thailand), Merits 1962 ICJ 6. See also Reparation.
Restitution - 1. The giving up of an unjust enrichment or its value to the person at whose expense it was obtained. The law of restitution bases on the principle of unjust enrichment. Restitution has become a generic term for a variety of legal and equitable responses to unjust enrichment: Woolwich Equitable Building Society v IRC (No 2) [1993] AC 70. 2. The restoration of losses caused by a breach of trust or fiduciary duty: Bartlett v Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd (No 2) [1980] Ch 515. See also Constructive trust; Money had and received; Quantum meruit; Rectification; Reparation; Rescission; Resulting trust; Unjust enrichment.
Tort - Compensation, redress, replacement, or payment for damage or loss suffered. The act of making good or giving an equivalent value for any loss, damage, or injury. In tort, restitution is the underlying principle of damages (Dowson & Mason Ltd v Potter [1986] 2 All ER 418, [1986] 1 WLR 1419 (CA)), and damages are measured according to the amount required to restore the plaintiff, so far as compensatory damages permit, to the position he or she was in before the wrongful act took place (Keep Point Development Ltd v Chan Chi Yim [2002] 1 HKC 131). The principle of restitution applies to personal injuries and economic losses. However, the principle of restitution is limited by the rule of remoteness. See also Damages; Remoteness; Restitutio in integrum; Unjust enrichment.
恢復原告損失或傷害之前的原來位置的補救。另見 Compensation; Damages; Quantum meruit。
刑法 -   1. 把財物歸還至真正的物主手裡。法院可作出歸還令,就實際上被偷去的物品判處歸還:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第30(1a)條。只可以歸還令賠償受害人至其損失的程度(R v Parker [1970] 2 All ER 458, 54 Cr App Rep 339 (英國上訴法院))  及必不可超逾因有關罪行而裁斷歸還令的損失款額 (R v Lewis [1975] Crim LR 353)。在有權向被定罪的人追討贓物的人提出申請時,法庭可命令支付在售賣所得的收益:第 30(1b), (1c)及3條; R v Tsui Fung (No 2) [1996] 2 HKC 551。  2. 對他人的損失作出補償。應視歸還為恰當刑罰的附帶,而非有關刑罰的代替品: HKSAR v Liu Kin Hong Jerry (No 2) [2001] 2 HKC 513。鑒於被告作出的歸還而考慮作出的扣減,法院會考慮不同的因素,例如被告的行為:是否作出全部的歸還,是否自願地作出歸還,及是否在罪行發生後馬上歸,法院可以此決定被告一方的悔意:HKSAR v Chiu Peng, Richard(刑事上訴2001年第287號,未經彙報)。自願及實質的歸還是決定適當形罰的有關事實,但法院不會與罪犯討價還價,此外,通常視遲歸還或提出歸還為企圖獲得寬大刑罰:R v Kwok Lai-ling [1989] 1 HKLR 418(上訴法庭)。罪犯的迅速歸還可以是有悔意的證據R v Ko Kam-ying(刑事上訴1989年第122號,未經彙報)。另見 Compensation; Reparation。
外交 - 向因另一國家的不當行為,而遭受傷害的國家所提供的補償。受傷害的國家有權要求作出不當行為的國家,根除後者的不法行為後果,及重新建立受傷害的國家,使她回復到本來應該是那樣的情況,就如不法行為從來沒有發生過一樣。這可牽涉以同樣方法復原,或以繳款代替:Chorzow Factory Case (Germany v Poland), Merits 1928 PCIJ Ser A No 17。例如泰國被命令歸還柬埔寨,所有她可能從後者搬走的宗教物件,從而向後者作出復原:Temple of Preah Vihear Case (Cambodia v Thailand), Merits 1962 ICJ 6。另見 Reparation。
復還 - 1.放棄不正當得利或對自費取得該得利的人的價值。復還法正是基於不正當得利的原則制訂的。復還已成為多種不正當得利法律及衡平法回應的專業術語:Woolwich Equitable Building Society v IRC (No 2) [1993] AC 70。  2.賠償因違反信託或受信責任而引起的損失:Bartlett v Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd (No 2) [1980] Ch 515。另見 Constructive trust; Money had and received; Quantum meruit; Rectification; Reparation; Rescission; Resulting trust; Unjust enrichment。
侵權 - 賠償、糾正、復位、或償付所蒙受的損害或損失。作出補償或作出任何損失,損害或傷害的同等價值。在侵權法,復原是損害賠償的基礎原則 (Dowson & Mason Ltd v Potter [1986] 2 All ER 418, [1986] 1 WLR 1419(英國上訴法院)) ,而只須補償性的損害賠償准許,損害賠償則根據所須回復原告在錯誤行為發生之前他所處的位置的款額來計算 (Keen Point Development Ltd v Chan Chi Yim [2002] 1 HKC 131)。復原的原則適用於個人傷害和經濟損失。但復原的原則受制於間接損害的原則。另見 Damages; Remoteness; Restitutio in integrum; Unjust enrichment。n.




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