

单词 Offender
释义 罪犯/犯事者/違犯者
A person who commits an offence. In criminal law, both the principal offender and secondary parties are liable to punishment. In general, a principal offender is the perpetrator of the offence who, by his own act, brings about the crime or part of a crime whereas secondary parties are persons who aid, abet, counsel or procure the commission of an offence by any other person. Secondary parties shall be liable to be tried and punished as the principal offender: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.053]-[130.058]. An offender is not liable to be punished twice for the same act or omission: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 101D. An offender who is outside Hong Kong may be arrested and brought before the courts of Hong Kong: Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (Cap 503).
犯某罪行的人。就刑事法而言,主犯及次位當事人均須被懲罰。概括而言,主犯藉其本身的行為,導致罪行或部份罪行發生,而次位當事人則幫助、慫恿、慫使或促致另一人犯罪。次位當事人需如主犯一樣被審訊及懲罰:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第9冊,刑法與刑事訴訟程序,第[130.053]至[130.058]段。一名犯罪人無需因同一作為或不作為而受兩次懲罰:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第101D條。在香港以外的犯罪人可被拘捕及帶到香港法庭席前:《逃犯條例》(第503章)。n.




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