

单词 Offences against the person
释义 侵害人身罪行
A wide spectrum of offences involving threatening the person of another with force, or the application of force against the person of another, in each case without the other’s consent or any other jurisdiction recognised by the law: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212). Offences against the person, whether at common law or statute, include homicide (Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) ss 2, 7), acts causing grievous bodily harm (s 19), assault occasioning actual bodily harm (s 39). See also Abduction; Assault; Homicide.
一項範圍較廣,牽涉威脅另一人以武力對付之,或就另一人使用武力的罪行,而在兩種情形下均未取得該人的同意或均沒有法律承認的管轄權:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)。侵害人身罪行不論是根據普通法或法規亦包括殺人罪行(《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第2及7條),導致身體受嚴重傷害的行為(第19條),襲擊致造成實際身體傷害(第39條)。另見 Abduction; Assault; Homicide。




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