

单词 Unanimous verdict
释义 一致裁決
The situation in which all the members of a jury agree as to their finding on a question of fact in civil or criminal proceedings. At common law the verdict of a jury must be unanimous: R v Flood (1914) 10 Cr App Rep 227 (CCA). This has been altered in Hong Kong by a statutory provision which allows a jury to deliver a majority verdict unless the number of jurors remaining is reduced to five: R v Wong Kim-wah & Anor [1994] 2 HKCLR 185, [1993] 2 HKC 305 (CA); Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 24(3). It has been held to be undesirable for a judge to tell the jury to try to reach a unanimous verdict and, if they are unable to do so, to revert to the judge for further directions: R v Wong Kim-wah & Anor, supra. See also Jury; Majority verdict.
當陪審團的所有成員就民事或刑事法律程序中的事實問題的裁斷達成協議的情況。在普通法上,陪審團的裁決必須一致:R v Flood (1914) 10 Cr App Rep 227(英國刑事上訴法院)。在香港這已被法定條文更改,該法定條文准予陪審團宣告多數裁決,除非餘下的陪審員的數目減至五人:R v Wong Kim-wah [1994] 2 HKCLR 185, [1993] 2 HKC 305(上訴法庭);《陪審團條例》(第3章)第24(3)條。法庭曾裁定法官不宜向陪審團表示,應嘗試達致一致的裁決,否則應回覆法官要求作出進一步的指示:R v Wong Kim-wah, 見上文。另見 Jury; Majority verdict。




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