

单词 Unauthorised
释义 未經授權
In ordinary language, without permission or without authority. Unauthorised, as regards anything done in relation to copyright, means done otherwise than (a) by or with the licence of the copyright owner; (b) if copyright does not subsist in the work, by or with the licence of the author: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 198(1). An unauthorised act is not taken into account in determining whether a work has been made available to the public (ss 17(5), 19(6)); a work has been released (s 18(3)); a work is a publication or commercial publication of a work (s 196(6)); a fixation of a performance has been released (s 214(3)). See also Copyright; Direct infringement; Licence; Performers’ rights; Unauthorised fixation; Unauthorised use.
在日常用語中,未經許可或沒有獲得授權。就任何就作品而作出的事情而言,未經授權 (a) 指並非由版權擁有人作出或並非在版權擁有人的特許下作出;(b) 如該項作品沒有版權存在,指並非由作者作出或並非在作者的特許下作出:《版權條例》(第 528章)第198(1)條。在以下情況不應將任何未經授權的作為列為考慮因素:在決定某項作品是否已向公眾提供時(第17(5)及19(6) 條);在決定某項作品是否已發行(第18(3)條);在決定某項作品是否作為發表或商業發表(第196(6)條);在決定某項表演的錄製品是否已屬發行(第214 (3)條)。另見 Copyright; Direct infringement; Licence; Performers’ rights; Unauthorised fixation; Unauthorised use。adj.




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