

单词 Offensive
释义 令人反感
That which offends against the standard of good taste or good manners which is a breach of the rules of courtesy, or runs contrary to commonly accepted social rules, and may well be ill-advised or hurtful: Ball v McIntyre (1966) 9 FLR 237. Whatever offends is rightly termed offensive: Nussey v Provincial Bill Posting Co and Eddison [1909] 1 Ch 734. For words in a letter to be ‘of grossly offensive character’ they must be calculated to wound the feelings, arouse anger, resentment, disgust or outrage in the mind of a reasonable man: Malvern v Bradbury (1971) 17 FLR 345. See also Breach of the peace; Offensive language; Reasonableness; Reasonable person.
冒犯高雅的標準或禮儀標準,亦違反禮貌規則,或與普遍為人接受的社交規則相反,亦可是具傷害性的:Ball v McIntyre (1966) 9 FLR 237。任何冒犯的東西都可正確地稱為令人反感:Nussey v Provincial Bill Posting Co and Eddison [1909] 1 Ch 734。要稱一封信的文字為「具有極為令人厭惡的特徵」,則必須是合理的人認為會傷害感情、引起憤怒、不滿、厭惡或冒犯:Malvern v Bradbury (1971) 17 FLR 345。另見 Breach of the peace; Offensive language; Reasonableness; Reasonable person。n.




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