

单词 Sanction
释义 制裁
A penalty or punishment imposed for a breach of the law.
Criminal law - 1. An authorisation, ratification, or approval. 2. A penalty or punishment imposed by the criminal law. Criminal sanctions apply for failing to comply with the order without reasonable excuse: Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455) s 4(13). See also Penalty; Punishment; Sentence.
Foreign relations - A punitive or coercive measure adopted by the United Nations Security Council to secure the enforcement of international law, and obligations arising under the Charter of the United Nations 1945. A sanction may be imposed against a state responsible for a threat to or breach of the peace, or acts of aggression: Charter of the United Nations 1945 Ch VII. The Security Council may call upon member states to apply any prescribed measures including ‘complete or partial interruption of economic relations and of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, and other means of communications, and the severance of diplomatic relations’: art 41. Measures of last resort may include armed force: art 42. See also Boycott; Embargo.
Tort - A penalty or punishment for a breach of the law. A sanction is provided as a means of enforcing obedience to the law, and may be provided at common law for breach of a common law right, or in a statute for breach of its provisions. Sanctions imposed in tort are usually damages, aiming to compensate the plaintiff for losses suffered or right violated. Aggravated damages are awarded where the manner of commission of the tort was such as to injure the plaintiff’s proper feelings of dignity and pride. However, exemplary damages, whose object is to punish and deter, should be awarded in two specific categories of case, unless they were expressly authorised by statute: Rookes v Barnard [1964] AC 1129 (HL). These categories are: (1) oppressive, arbitrary or unconstitutional action by the servants of the government, and (2) cases in which the defendant’s conduct has been calculated by him to make a profit for himself which may well exceed the compensation payable to the plaintiff. See also Aggravated damages; Exemplary damages; Fine; Imprisonment.
刑法 -  1.授權,確認或批准 2.由刑法加諧的罰金或懲罰。如無合理辯解而不遵從有關的命令,可處刑事制裁:《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》(第455章)第4(13)條。另見 Penalty; Punishment; Sentence。
外交 -   由聯合國安全理事會採用的一項懲罰性或強制性的措施,用以確保國際法,及《1945年聯合國憲章》下的義務能得以強制執行。制裁可能會針對一個威脅或違反和平,或作出侵略行為的國家作出:《1945年聯合國憲章》第VII章。安全理事會可以要求會員國實施訂明的措施,包括「經濟關係,及火車、海路、航空、郵遞、電報、廣播、及其他交流方式的完全或部份中斷,以及斷絕外交關係」:第41條。最終的措施可包括使用武裝力量:第42條。另見 Boycott; Embargo。
侵權 -   就違法而處以的刑罰或懲罰。制裁可作為強制當事人遵守法律的方法,並可在普通法規定就違反普通法權利予以制裁,或在法規定定就違反法規條文予以制裁。在侵權法施加的制裁通常是損害賠償,其目的在於就原告人蒙受的損失或被侵犯的權利作出賠償。如作出侵權行為的方式會損害原告人固有的尊嚴及自尊,則會授予加重的損害賠償。但應在兩類特定的案件才授予目的在於懲罰及阻嚇的懲罰性損害賠償,除非法規另有訂明,則不在此限:Rookes v Barnard [1964] AC 1129 (上議院)。這兩類特定的案件包括: (1) 政府公務人員作欺壓、無理或違憲行為,及 (2) 被告人已計算作出其行為以為他/她謀取利潤,而該利潤可能遠超逾應支付原告人的賠償。 另見 Aggravated damages; Exemplary damages; Fine; Imprisonment。 n.




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