

单词 Offer of amends
释义 提議補救/提出賠罪
An offer to make redress by a person who has wronged the other.
Contract - An offer by a person who has breached a contract to keep the contract on foot and compensate the other party for any loss or inconvenience suffered due to the breach. In absence of a waiver or a variation agreement, the promisor cannot substitute the agreed performance in satisfaction of his contractual obligations: Legh v Lillie (1860) 6 H & N 165. Also known as ‘offer of substituted performance’. See also Breach of contract; Mitigation.
Tort - An offer, in any case, to publish or join in the publication of a suitable correction of the words complained of, and a sufficient apology to the party aggrieved in respect of those words; or in case where copies of a document or record containing the said words have been distributed by or with the knowledge of the person making the offer, to take such steps as are reasonably practicable on his part for notifying persons to whom copies have been so distributed that the words are alleged to be defamatory of the party aggrieved: Defamation Ordinance (Cap 21) s 25(3). If an offer of amends is accepted by the party aggrieved and is duly performed, no proceedings for libel or slander may be taken or continued by that party against the person making the offer in respect of the publication in question: s 25(1)(a). If the offer is not accepted by the party aggrieved, then it will be a defence, in any proceedings by the plaintiff for libel or slander against the person making the offer in respect of the publication in question, to prove that the words complained of were published by the defendant innocently in relation to the plaintiff and that the offer was made as soon as practicable after the defendant received notice that they were or might be defamatory of the plaintiff, and has not been withdrawn: s 25(1)(b). See also Apology; Defamation; Innocent publication.
合約 -   違約的一方向另一方提出維持合約的請求,並就另一方因自己違約而遭受的不便作出補償。如另一方沒有放棄其權利,雙方亦沒有達成更改協議,承諾人不能取代已同意的執行合約方式,而藉此履行其合約義務:Legh v Lillie (1860) 6 H & N 165。另稱「提出替代的合約履行」。另見 Breach of contract; Mitigation。
侵權 -   於任何個案中,就被申訴的言詞發布或與人聯同發布提出一項適當的更正,並提出就該等言詞向感到受屈的一方發布或與人聯同發布一項充分的道歉;凡載有上述言詞的文件或紀錄的文本已由提出賠罪的人或在提出賠罪的人知情的情況下予以分發者,由該人採取合理地切實可行的步驟,通知獲分發該等文本的人,該等言詞乃被指稱誹謗感到受屈的一方。《誹謗條例》(第21章)第 25(3)條。如提出賠罪為感到受屈的一方接受並已妥為履行,則該感到受屈的一方不得就有關發布而向提出賠罪的人提起或繼續進行永久形式誹謗或短暫形式誹謗的法律程序:第 25(1)(a)條。如提出賠罪不為感到受屈的一方接受,則在該感到受屈的一方就有關發布向提出賠罪的人提起永久形式誹謗或短暫形式誹謗的任何法律程序時,被告人如證明被申訴發布的言詞乃無意地涉及原告人,而於獲悉該等言詞誹謗或可能誹謗原告人後,已在切實可行的範圍內盡快提出賠罪,而提出賠罪仍未撤回,則可以此作為免責辯護:第 25(1)(b)條。另見 Apology; Defamation; Innocent publication。




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