

单词 Off-hire clause
释义 停租期
A clause in a time charterparty, under which the owner of a vessel is entitled to a limited time for it to be off hire in order for it to be repaired or drydocked. The permissible time is prearranged by the parties. Normally, one or two days are allowed. After the allowed time the hire charge ceases to be payable until the vessel is once again seaworthy. A vessel is not ‘off-hire’ if it is otherwise fully efficient but prevented from proceeding: Actis Co Ltd v Sanko Steamship Co Ltd (The Aquacharm) [1982] 1 All ER 390. Also known as ‘breakdown clause’. See also Repair; Seaworthiness; Time charterparty; Vessel.
按時計租的租船合約中的一項條款,船主有權獲得一段限定的停租期間,以便船隻作出修理及進乾船塢。該允許的時限由與約方預先安排。一般允許的時間為1到2天。在限期後,直到該船隻再次適航,將停止支付租船費用。如船隻僅被阻止航行,而在其他方面卻是完全能勝任的,該船隻並非「停租」:Actis Co Ltd v Sanko Steamship Co Ltd (The Aquacharm) [1982] 1 All ER 390。另稱「停止條款」。另見 Repair; Seaworthiness; Time charterparty; Vessel。




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