

单词 Offer
释义 要約
1. In colloquial usage, the expression of mere willingness to commerce negotiations. 2. In contract law, an expression by one person or group of persons, or by agents on his behalf, made to another, of his willingness to be bound to a contract with that other on terms either certain or capable of being rendered certain: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 7, Contract [115.027]. One of the three elements (the others being acceptance and consideration) which form a contract. An offer may be made to an individual or to a group of persons or to the world at large: The Satanita [1897] AC 59 (HL). It may be made expressly by words (Errington v Errington and Woods [1952] 1 KB 290, 1 All ER 149 (CA)) or it may be implied from the conduct of the offeror (Calimpex International Co (a firm) v ENZ Information Systems Ltd (Cheung Chun Hay Samuel, Third Party) [1994] 1 HKC 191 (CA)). An offer must be distinguished from a mere invitation to treat. See also Acceptance; Agreement; Contract; Invitation to treat; Offer and acceptance; Revocation of an offer; Term.
1. 就口語使用而言,僅顯示願意進行商業談判。  2. 就合約法而言,某人或某一個團體的人,或其代理人,向另一人表示他願意與該另一人訂立合約,並受確定或可使確定的條款約束:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第7冊,合約第[115.027]段。組成合約的三個要素之其中一個(其餘為要約及承約)。要約可向個別人士或一個團體的人士或全世界發出:The Satanita [1897] AC 59 (上議院)。要約可以文字明示作出(Errington v Errington and Woods [1952] 1 KB 290, 1 All ER 149 (芵國上訴法院)) 或通過要約人的行為隱含作出 (Calimpex International Co (a firm) v ENZ Information Systems Ltd (Cheung Chun Hay Samuel, Third Party) [1994] 1 HKC 191 (上訴法庭))。要約與純粹的邀約不同。另見 Acceptance; Agreement; Contract; Invitation to treat; Offer and acceptance; Revocation of an offer; Term。n.




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