

单词 Offensive weapon
释义 攻擊性武器
Any article made, or adapted for use, or suitable, for causing injury to the person, or intended by the person having it in his possession or under his control for such use by him or by some other person: Public Order Ordinance (Cap 245) s 2. Any person who, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, has with him in any public place any offensive weapon shall be guilty of an offence: Public Order Ordinance (Cap 245) ss 17C, 33; Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap 228) s 17. The definition of offensive weapon under the Public Order Ordinance has no application to proceedings under the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap 228): HKSAR v Leung Wah Chai [1999] 4 HKC 556. For the offence under the Summary Offences Ordinance, the prosecution must prove that the accused was found in possession of an implement which can properly be described as one of those specifically named in the provision, or an implement capable of being used either as an ‘offensive weapon’ or as an ‘instrument fit for unlawful purposes’ from its common, if not exclusive, use for such purpose or from the particular circumstances of the case in question: A-G v Li Chu [1968] HKLR 242; HKSAR v Leung Wah Chai, supra. Where the item is an ordinary domestic item, the prosecution must establish more than the fact that the item is suitable for causing injury: R v Ma Tak Yiu [1991] 1 HKC 447. Any article which an average person might reasonably carry found in circumstances which are not suspicious is not an offensive weapon: R v Leung Chi-hung (CACC 1412/83, unreported). See also Chemical weapon; Firearm; Imitation firearm; Weapon.
任何被製造或改裝以用作傷害他人,或適合用作傷害他人的物品,或由管有或控制該物品的人擬供其本人或他人作如此用途的任何物品:《公安條例 》(第245章)第2條。任何人如無合法權限或合理辯解而攜有攻擊性武器,即屬犯罪:第17C及33條;《簡易程序治罪條例》(第228章)第17條。:《公安條例》中就攻擊性武器的定義不適用於根據《簡易程序治罪條例》(第228章)進行的程序:HKSAR v Leung Wah Chai [1999] 4 HKC 556。就《簡易程序治罪條例》所訂罪行,控方必須證明被控人被發現持有某器具,而由它的普通而不一定是專有用途,或由有關案件的特定情況看來,這器具可被恰當地描述為條文特別列明的其中一種器具,或可作「攻擊性武器」或「適合非法目的」使用的器具:A-G v Li Chu [1968] HKLR 242;HKSAR v Leung Wah Chai,見上文。凡物品是日常的家居項目者,控方必須證明該物品不單只適合引致受傷:R v Ma Tak Yiu [1991] 1 HKC 447。任何普通人在不可疑的情況可能合理地被發現攜帶在身上的物品,並不是攻擊性武器:R v Leung Chi-hung(刑事上訴第1983年第1412號,未經彙報)。另見 Chemical weapon; Firearm; Imitation firearm; Weapon。




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