

单词 Laws of supply and demand
释义 供求規律
The basic laws in respect of the marketing of goods and services in a market economy. Other things being equal, four laws or tendencies may be identified: if, at the price ruling in the market, demand exceeds supply, the price tends to rise; conversely, when supply exceeds demand the price tends to fall; a rise in price tends to lead to a contraction of demand and an expansion of supply; conversely, a fall in price tends to lead to an expansion of demand and a contraction of supply; price or prices tend to move towards a level at which demand is equal to supply, that is to equilibrium price; and for any given price increase, the expansion or increase in the quantity supplied will be the greater, the longer the time allowed to adjust; conversely, for any given price reduction, the expansion or increase in demand will be the greater, the longer the time allowed to adjust. The term demand refers to effective demand, not to need; effective demand is demand expressed through the ability to pay. See also Economics; Market economy.
市場經濟中,商品及服務推銷的基本規律。其他因素不變的情形下,有 4個定律或4種趨勢可辨認:就現行的價格,假如需求大於供應,價格會趨漲;反之,當供應大於需求時,價格則傾趺;價格上漲時會帶來需求收縮及供應增加的傾向;相反地,價格下趺時會帶來需求增加及供應收縮的傾向;價格傾向往需求相等於供應的水平移動,即向均衡价格移動;及在價格上漲時,調節的時間若長一些,所增加的供應數量會多一些;反之,在價格下趺時,調節的時間長一些,所增加的需求數量會多一些。需求一詞指有效需求,而非需要;有效需求通過支付的能力顯示出來。另見 Economics; Market economy。




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