

单词 Statutory corporation
释义 法定法團
A corporation created by, or pursuant to, a statute: for example, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation Ordinance (Cap 372) s 3. Statutory corporations are typically incorporated for a public purpose. They are not within the formal government structure but exercise functions of a public nature, and can do only such acts as are authorised directly or indirectly by the statutes creating them. See also Corporation.
根據法規而產生的法團:例如《九廣鐵路公司條例》(第372章)第3條。法定法團主要為公眾目的而成立為法團。並不在政府的正式架構內,但行使屬公共性質的職能,並僅可作出由產生法定法團的法規直接或間接授權的作為。另見 Corporation。




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