

单词 Law society
释义 律師會
The professional association for practising solicitors in Hong Kong. It was incorporated in 1907 as a company limited by guarantee. Initially the Incorporated Law Society of Hong Kong, it changed its name to the Law Society of Hong Kong in 1969. Every solicitor who is eligible to hold a practising certificate is entitled to apply for admission to the membership of the Society: Articles of Association of the Law Society of Hong Kong para 3(a). The objects of the Society as set out in its memorandum of association: Memorandum of Association of the Law Society of Hong Kong para 3. The Society has a duty to issue a certificate of eligibility to an applicant for admission as a solicitor, if it is satisfied that that person is eligible for admission as a solicitor and has satisfied the requirements of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) relating to residence: Admission and Registration Rules (Cap 159B) r 3(4), (5). The Council of the Law Society is empowered to make rules regulating the employment of trainee solicitors and examinations and, in particular, providing for the manner in which any person qualifies for admission under the provisions of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance including, in particular, the period of employment, if any, of a trainee solicitor in any particular case, the examination or examinations to be passed, the courses to be completed and the notices and forms to be used: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) ss 4(1)(a), 73(1)(d)(i); Trainee Solicitors Rules (Cap 159 J). It is also empowered to make rules for any continuing education or training that must be undertaken by solicitors: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) s 73(1)(ab). See also Disciplinary tribunal; Practising certificate.
香港執業律師的專業協會。它於1907年以擔保有限公司形式成立為法團的公司。原來為「香港律師會公司」,它於1969年改稱為香港律師會。每一位有資格持有執業證書的律師均可申請成為律師會的會員:香港律師會組織章程細則第3(a)段。律師會的宗旨列明在其組織大綱中:香港律師會組織大綱第3段。對提出認許為律師的申請人,如律師會信納該人有資格獲認許為律師,並且已達到《法律執業者條例》(第159章)就居所的規定,律師會有責任向該名申請人發出證明書:《認許及註冊規則》(第159B章)第3(4), (5)條規則。律師會理事會有訂立規則對下述作出規管的權力,即就實習律師的僱用及考試,尤其是根據《法律執業者條例》的規定合資格獲認許的方式,包括在個別情況下一名實習律師的僱用期(如有的話),須考取合格的一項或多於一項考試,須完成的課程以及與此有關而須予使用的通知及格式:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第4(1)(a)、73(1)(d)(i)條。另見《實習律師規則》(第159J章)。律師會亦有權為律師必須接受的持續教育或訓練制定規則:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第73(1)(ab) 條。另見 Disciplinary tribunal; Practising certificate。




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