

单词 Offensive language
释义 令人反感的言語
Insulting, aggressive or repulsive communication. Under various Ordinances, a person shall not swear or use threatening, abusive, obscene or offensive language or behaviour in public place or transport (Ferry Services Regulations (Cap 104A) reg 26; Airport Authority Ordinance (Cap 483A) s 19; Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) Regulations (Cap 374D) reg 46). In addition, the censor shall view and consider films in which offensive language is used before they are to be classified into the appropriate category: Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap 392) s 10. See also Offensive; Reasonable excuse.
具侮辱性、侵略性或令人厭惡的交流。根據不同的條例,任何人不得在公眾場合或公共交通工具中出言咒罵或使用威脅性、粗穢、淫褻或令人反感的言語:《渡輪服務規例》(第104A章)第26條;《條機楊管理局附例》(第483A章)第19條;《道路交通(公共服務車輛)規例》(第374D章)第46條。此外,《電影檢查條例》(第392章)第10條規定,檢查員須在把使用上令人反感言語的影片按適當類別作評定前,觀看及考慮該影片:電影檢查條例》(第392章)第10條。另見 Offensive; Reasonable excuse。




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