

单词 Holder for value
释义 已付價值的持有人
In relation to the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time, the holder of a bill of exchange where value has at any time been given for a bill of exchange: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 27(2). Every party whose signature appears on a bill is prima facie deemed to have become a party thereto for value: s 30(1). Where the holder of a bill has a lien on it, arising either from contract or by implication of law, he is deemed to be a holder for value to the extent of the sum for which he has a lien: s 27(3). See also Bill of exchange; Holder; Holder in due course.
對承兌人以及所有在該時間之前已成為該匯票一方的人來說,凡在任何時間為任何匯票已付出價值的人:《匯票條例》(第19章)第27(2)條。如任何一方的簽名在匯票上出現,該一方即表面當作已成為該匯票的已付價值的一方:第30(1)條。凡任何匯票的持有人由於合約規定或法律上的含意而對該匯票享有留置權,則在該人享有留置權的款額的範圍內,該人須被當作是已付價值的持有人:第27(3)條。另見 Bill of exchange; Holder; Holder in due course。




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