

单词 Holding out
释义 顯示自己是合夥人
The act of a person representing themselves (or allowing themselves to be represented) as a partner of a firm, whether by words or conduct. Where a third party gives credit to the firm based on a person holding themselves out as a partner, that person is liable as a partner to that third party: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) s 16. Holding out is a branch of the law of estoppel. See also Apparent authority; Apparent partner; Estoppel.
指任何人不論藉口述或或行動的方式作出陳述(或容受他人代自己作出陳述),顯示自己是某商號的合夥人的行為。凡第三方因相信某人顯示自己是某商號的合夥人而對該商號給予信貸,則該人須以該商號合夥人的身分對該給予信貸的人負上法律責任:《合夥條例》(第38章)第16條。顯示自己是合夥人是不容反悔法的分支之一。另見 Apparent authority; Apparent partner; Estoppel。




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