

单词 Hire
释义 出租
To lend to another for consideration the possession and use of some goods for a particular period or purpose. Title to the goods throughout the hire period remains with the owner. At common law, four principal qualities distinguish contracts for hire: the transfer of possession in a chattel; an authority in the bailee to use it for the benefit; an advantage or reward accruing to the bailor in return for this permission; and a promise by the hirer to redeliver the chattel at a stated or determinable time: Palmer, Bailment (The Law Book Co Ltd, 2nd Ed, 1991) p 1208-1211.
在有代價的情況下,將貨品的管有和使用權在特別的期間或為特定目的出借給他人。在出租期間,貨品的所有權仍屬於貨主。在普通法上,出租有四個與出租合約不同的主要特性:轉移實產管有;受託保管人獲授權使用有關的實產以圖利;委託保管人就此項授權獲得回報利益或累算報酬;以及租用人承諾在規定的或可確定的時間交回有關的實產:Palmer, Bailment (The Law Book Co Ltd, 第2版, 1991年)第1208至1211頁。n.




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