

单词 Legislative Council debate
释义 立法會辯論
1.The discussion in the Legislative Council of a matter or question to be decided upon by its members and which was initiated by a motion moved by a member or the Government. Matters which are part of the normal routine of the Council, such as the asking and answering of questions and statements on behalf of the Government, are not debates as there is no motion before the Council. All motions or questions before the Council are open to debate except those where debate is prohibited by the rules of procedure. Motions which are not open to debate include motions for the first reading of Bills, a motion that the question be now put, and a motion for the adjournment of debate. The rules of procedure generally provide that any member may speak once on any question before the Council which is open to debate, on any amendment thereon, and in reply if the member is entitled to reply. Any member may reply to clarify a point made earlier which has been misquoted or misunderstood. 2. The full reports of the speeches of members of the Legislative Council and the attending public officers, containing the full text of petitions presented, notices of motion, questions on notice, and the answers, questions with notice, details of divisions, and requests of information asked of the President concerning the Council. The reports do not constitute the official record of the proceedings of the Legislative Council. Also known as ‘Hansard reports’. See also Legislative Council; Legislative Council privilege; Legislative Council procedures.
1. 指立法會就當中成員所決定或由成員或由政府提出動議的事項或質詢所作出的討論。作為立法會一般例行程序部分的事項,如代表政府對質詢及陳述作出提出及答覆,此並不屬於辯論,因為當中並沒有將動議提交給立法會。所有立法會當前的動議或質詢可作公開辯論,除了辯論受程序規則禁止以外。不得作公開辯論的動議包括法案的首讀、現在提出質詢的動議及辯論中止待續的動議。程序規則一般規定任何成員可在立法會席前就任何可公開辯論的質詢或任何修訂發言一次,及作出答辯,如該成員有權利作出答辯。任何成員可就先前錯誤引證或錯誤理解的論點作出澄清答辯。  2. 指立法會成員及官員發言內容的詳盡報告,包含提交呈請書的文本全文、動議事項通知、書面質詢、答覆、作出通知的質詢、點名表決的細節及立法會主席要求有關立法會的資料。該等報告不成為立法會議事的正式紀錄。另稱「Hansard報告」。另見 Legislative Council; Legislative Council privilege; Legislative Council procedures。




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