

单词 Provable debt
释义 可予證明的債項
A debt that must be recognised by a bankruptcy trustee when administering the estate of the bankrupt. In every winding up, all debts payable on a contingency, and all claims against the company, present or future, certain or contingent, ascertained or sounding only in damages, are admissible to proof against the company, a just estimate being made, so far as possible, of the value of such debts or claims as may be subject to any contingency or sound only in damages, or for some other reason do not bear a certain value: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 263. Certain debts may not be provable on grounds of public policy: Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Revenue Division) v Taylor [1955] AC 491, 1 All ER 292 (HL). The same applies to debts involving exchange contracts contrary to exchange control regulations or foreign law: Tae Kim Chang v Official Receiver [1992] 1 HKC 403, [1993] 1 HKLR 78. There cannot be two proofs in respect of one debt; and this is so even if there are separate contracts in respect of the same debt: Deering v Bank of Ireland (1886) 12 AC 20 (HL). See also Bankrupt; Discharge of bankruptcy; Non-provable debt; Proof of debt; Unliquidated damages.
在管理破產產業時,必須由破產信託人確認的一項債項。在每宗清盤案中,就任何或有事件而須償付的所有債項,以及所有針對公司的申索、不論是現在的或將來的、或有的或確定的、經確定的或僅是要求損害賠償的,均可予以接納為針對公司的證明,而對繫於任何或有事件的發生或僅具要求損害賠償性質的債項或申索,或因某些原因而無明確價值的債項或申索,須盡可能就其價值作出公正的估計: 《公司條例》(第32章)第 263條。 基於若干公共政策的理由, 債項可能不可予證明on grounds of public: Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Revenue Division) v Taylor [1955] AC 491, 1 All ER 292 (上議院) 。同一原則適用於牽涉違反交易控制規例或外地法律的文易合約: Tae Kim Chang v Official Receiver [1992] 1 HKC 403, [1993] 1 HKLR 78。一項債項不可以有兩個證明; 即使同一的債項有分別的合約: Deering v Bank of Ireland (1886) 12 AC 20 (上議院) 。另見 Bankrupt; Discharge of bankruptcy; Non-provable debt; Proof of debt; Unliquidated damages.




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