

单词 Drawee
释义 受票人
A person to whom a bill of exchange is addressed or drawn, he or she is required by the drawer of a bill to pay a sum certain in money on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time to or to the order of, a specified person or to bearer: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 3(1). Moreover, the drawee must be named or otherwise indicated in a bill with reasonable certainty: s 6(1). Presentment for payment is dispensed with where the drawee is a fictitious person: s 46(2)(b). A bill may be addressed to more than one drawee: s 6(2). See also Draw; Drawer; Negotiable instrument.
將匯票出具予或簽發予的人,受票人須按出票人的規定,在有人憑票要求付款時或在某指定時間或可以確定的未來時間,向某指明的人或其指定的人支付或向持票人支付一筆數目確定的款項:《匯票條例》(第19章)第 3(1)條。此外,匯票上必須有受票人的姓名或名稱或以其他合理地明確的方式顯示受票人:第 6(1)條。如受票人是虛構的人,則可免出示匯票以求付款:第 46(2)(b)條。匯票可以是出具予多於一名受票人:第 6(2)條。另見 Draw; Drawer; Negotiable instrument。n.




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