

单词 Draw
释义 簽發
To make or draft, and sign, a negotiable instrument. The person who draws the instrument is the ‘drawer’; the person to whom it is addressed, and is required to pay on it, is the ‘drawee’. The person named by the drawer to whom the drawee should pay, is the ‘payee’. The instrument is said to be ‘drawn on’ the drawee. See also Drawee; Drawer; Negotiable instrument.
制定或擬備及簽署可轉讓票據。簽發票據的人是「出票人」;而須要就票據付款的人是「受票人」。出票人指名受票人所應向其付款的人是「受款人」。票據被視為向受票人「出票」的票據。另見 Drawee; Drawer; Negotiable instrument。n.




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