

单词 Direction to convict
释义 定罪的指示
An instruction given by a judge to a jury that its verdict should be guilty. In criminal trials, the fundamental rule is that the questions of law are for the judge whereas the questions of fact are for the jury. It is generally accepted that it is not open for the judge to convict: Mears v R [1993] 1 WLR 818, 97 Cr App R 239 (PC); R v Tsang Chu Lun & Anor [1994] 1 HKC 769 (HC); A-G v Choi Wah Hang & Anor [1987] 1 HKC 104 (CA). The decision must be that of jury and not of the judge using the jury as something akin to a vehicle for his own view: Mears v R, supra. See also Directed verdict; Direction to acquit; Direction to jury.
法官給予陪審團應作出有罪裁決的指示。刑事審訊的基本原則是法官負責法律問題,而陪審團則負責事實問題。普遍接納的是法官不得公開定罪:Mears v R [1993] 1 WLR 818, 97 Cr App R 239 (樞密院);R v Tsang Chu Lun & Anor [1994] 1 HKC 769 (高等法院);A-G v Choi Wah Hang & Anor [1987] 1 HKC 104 (上訴法庭)。必須由陪審團作出有關的決定,而法官不得利用陪審團作為達到其想法的手段:Mears v R, 見上文。另見 Directed verdict; Direction to acquit; Direction to jury。




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