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释义 指示性
In relation to a statutory provision, not requiring strict compliance, facultative not mandatory. Whether a statutory provision requiring a thing to be done is directory is a question of the intention of the legislature ascertained by attending to the whole scope of the statute in question: Liverpool Borough Bank v Turner (1861) 30 LJ Ch 379. Such intention is derived from the nature of the provisions, its place in the legislative scheme and the consequences of its non-compliance: Montreal Street Railway Co v Normandin [1917] AC 170 (PC). Expressions such as ‘may’ or ‘in its discretion’ are prima facie facultative and directory rather than mandatory: Ward v Williams (1955) 92 CLR 496, [1995] ALR 308. Where the relevant requirement is held to be directory, the failure to comply with it will not invalidate the thing done under the enactment; and the law will be applied as nearly as may be as if the requirement had been complied with: DPP v Cottier [1996] 3 All ER 126, 1 WLR 826 (approving analysis in Bennion on Statutory Interpretation (2nd Ed) (1992, Butterworths)). Whether a procedure governing the exercise of a power is directory depends on the intention of the legislature, which flow from its exercise, and the character and purpose of the procedure prescribed: Clayton v Heffron (1960) 105 CLR 214. See also Legislative intent; Legislative powers; Mandatory.
就法定條文而言,指不需嚴格遵從及非強制性,而是可按個別情況而決定的。某法定條文對作出某件事情的規定是否屬指示性的問題涉及立法的意圖,需要顧及有關法規的全部範圍才可確定:Liverpool Borough Bank v Turner (1861) 30 LJ Ch 379。可從有關條文的性質、條文在有關立法計劃中的地位,以及不遵從條文的後果推理出此等意圖:Montreal Street Railway Co v Normandin [1917] AC 170 (樞密院)。「可」或「可自行酌情決定」等詞句均表面顯示可按照個別情況決定,而非強制性的:Ward v Williams (1955) 92 CLR 496, [1995] ALR 308。如裁定有關的規定屬指示性的,則不遵從該規定不會使根據該成文法則已作出的事件失效;此外,在引用有關法例時,會儘量使其猶如已遵從有關的規定一樣:DPP v Cottier [1996] 3 All ER 126, 1 WLR 826 (approving analysis in Bennion on Statutory Interpretation (第2版)(1992年, Butterworths))。任何規管行使權力的程序是否屬指示性,取決於法的意圖,該意圖派生自其施行,以及訂明的程序之性質和目的:Clayton v Heffron (1960) 105 CLR 214。另見 Legislative intent; Legislative powers; Mandatory。n.




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