

单词 Asylum
释义 庇護
The right to seek asylum in another country from persecution based on political grounds: Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 art 14. The right to grant asylum belongs to the state concerned which may admit into its territory ‘such persons as it deems desirable, without giving rise to complaint by any other state’: United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum 1967 art 1. The humanitarian character of asylum is based on the ‘elementary consideration of humanity’: Asylum case (Colombia v Peru) 1950 ICJ 266; Corfu Channel case (UK v Albania) 1949 ICJ 4. A person granted asylum cannot be taken by his or her country of nationality or another state attempting to exercise jurisdiction over him or her for a particular cause of action. An alien has no inherent right to claim asylum and most states have voluntarily limited their right to offer sanctuary or refuge by entering into international extradition treaties. The Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951 provided that unauthorised entry of refugees shall not be expelled or returned if their lives or their freedom would by that means be threatened: art 33. These provisions go some way toward securing a true individual right of asylum, but establish no right of entry. See also Alien; Diplomatic relations; Extradition treaty; Refugee.
根據政治的理由尋求另一國的庇護以免受迫害的權利:《1948年世界人權宣言》第14條。 授予庇護的權利屬於「在沒有引致任何其他國家投訴的情況下,可認可此等被視為適宜的人」的有關國家:《1967年聯合國領土庇護宣言》第1條。庇護的人道性質是基於「人性的基本考慮因素」:Asylum case (Colombia v Peru) 1950 ICJ 266; Corfu Channel case (UK v Albania) 1949 ICJ 4。經授予庇護的人不可被他/她的國家或企圖就個別訴訟因由對他/她行使司法管轄權的另一國家捉拿。外籍人士沒有申索庇護的固有權利.而大部分國家在自願的情況下,藉訂定國際引渡條約限制其授予庇護所或收容所的權利。《1951年聯合國關於難民國際地位的公約》規定, 如難民的生命或其自由會由於該等方式受到威脅,則不應將未經授權進入的難民驅逐或遺返:第33條。 此等條文進一步確保真正的個人庇護權利,但沒有確立進入權。另見 Alien; Diplomatic relations; Extradition treaty; Refugee。 n.




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