

单词 Irretrievable breakdown
释义 無可挽回的婚姻破裂
Where the marital relationship between parties has come to an end. The sole ground for petitioning or applying for divorce. Proceedings for divorce shall be instituted by petition or application: Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 11. The court shall not hold that a marriage has broken down irretrievably unless the grounds for petition has been proved. The grounds for petition are adultery, unreasonable behaviour, one-year separation with consent, two-years separation without consent or one-year desertion: s 11A(2). Irretrievable breakdown has to be proved at the time of the hearing: Pheasant v Pheasant [1972] 1 All ER 587. See also Divorce.

凡婚姻雙方的夫妻關係已經完結。提出離婚呈請或離婚申請的唯一理由。離婚法律程序須以離婚呈請或離婚申請提起:《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第11條。除非呈請的理由能被證明,否則法院不得裁定該宗婚姻已破裂至無可挽救。呈請的理由包括通姦,不合理行為,已分居1年並同意離婚,已分居2年而未有同意離婚,遺棄1年:第11A(2)條。婚姻已破裂至無可挽救的證明是聆訊時:Pheasant v Pheasant [1972] 1 All ER 587。另見 Divorce





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