

单词 Acquired rights
释义 獲授權利
1. A corporeal or incorporeal object of value vested in a legal person under municipal law. 2. The theory that rights are not inherent or natural but acquired or procured by a legal person through a permissible act, process, or consequence. All rights of an assessable monetary value conferred under municipal law are acquired rights. Acquired rights include, for example, a property right and an economic benefit. The general presumption in statutory interpretation is that Parliament does not intend to divest acquired rights. See also Act of state; Belligerent; Collective rights; Confiscation; Expropriation; Human rights; Individual right; Prize; Requisition.
1.市政法下賦予法人有價值的有形或無形物事。 2.認為權利並非與生俱來或是天賜,而是一個法人經一認可行為、過程或後果取得的理論。市政法賦予可評定金錢價值的所有權利均為獲授權利。舉例說,獲授權利包括對財產的權利及經濟得益。法例詮釋的一般假設是,國會的意圖是不褫奪任何獲授權利的。另見 Act of state; Belligerent; Collective rights; Confiscation; Expropriation; Human rights; Individual right; Prize; Requisition。




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