

单词 Public guardian
释义 官方監護人
A public official, usually the Director of Social Welfare, who can be appointed guardian of a minor or a person with a mental disability. Where an application made relates to the custody of a minor, if any person is given the custody of the minor by an order made on that application, but it appears to the court that there are exceptional circumstances making it desirable that the minor should be under the supervision of an independent person, the court may order that the minor shall be under the supervision of the Director of Social Welfare; or if it appears to the court that there are exceptional circumstances making it impracticable or undesirable for the minor to be entrusted to either of the parents or to any other individual, the court may commit the care of the minor to the Director of Social Welfare: Guardianship of Minors Ordinance (Cap 13) s 13(1). A court or a magistrate may by an order (‘guardianship order’) place a person who is mentally disabled or incapacitated concerned in criminal proceedings under the guardianship of the Director of Social Welfare, or a person authorised by the Director of Social Welfare for the purpose: Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) s 44A. See also Disability; Guardian.
可被委任為某精神上無行為能力的人或未成人的監護人的公務人員(通常是社會福利署署長)。凡提出的申請與未成年人的管養有關, (a) 如法院在接獲該項申請後發出命令,將該未成年人交由某人管養,但又覺得由於情況特殊,該未成年人適宜由一名獨立人士監管,則法院可下令該未成年人轉由社會福利署署長監管;(b) 法院如覺得由於情況特殊,令該未成年人交由父母其中一方或任何其他人士看管並不切實可行或不適宜,則可將該未成年人交由社會福利署署長照顧:《未成年人監護條例》(第13章)第13(1)條。法院或裁判官可藉命令(「監護令」) 將涉及刑事訴訟程序而精神上無行為能力的人、交由命令所指明的社會福利署署長或社會福利署署長為監護目的而授權的人監護:《精神健康條例》 (第136章) 第 44A條。另見 Disability; Guardian。




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