

单词 Public international law
释义 國際公法
A body of legal rules that apply between sovereign states and other entities having international personality. Public international law, sometimes referred to as the ‘law of nation’, differs from private international law which deals with the different municipal laws of different countries. Topics of public international law include: law of the sea; law of treaties; state jurisdiction; customary law; and the law of the Charter of the United Nations 1945. The Statute of the International Court of Justice provides for four kinds of materials upon which the International Court of Justice must rely to decide in accordance with international law such disputes as are submitted to it. They are (1) international conventions, whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognised by the contracting states; (2) international custom, as evidence of a general practice recognised as law; (3) the general principles of law recognised by civilised nations; and (4) subject to a certain limitation, judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law. This provision is generally accepted as constituting a list of the sources of public international law. China also regards the resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations as a source of public international law. See also Air law; Comparative law; Conflict of laws; International legal person; Private international law.
適用於主權國及其他具有國際人格的實體之間的法律規則體系。國際公法有時稱為「國家的法律」,與處理不同的國家的國內法的國際私法不同。國際法的題目包括:海洋法;條約法;國家的司法管轄權;習慣法;以及《1945年聯合國憲章》的法律。 國際法院法規就四類國際法院必須賴以根據國際法以決定有關提交的爭議的資料訂定條文。 即包括(1)由締約國明示承認的規則的一般國際公約或特別國際公約;(2)作為在法律上認可的一般實務的證據的國際習慣;(3) 由文明國家認可的一般法律原則;以及(4)在受制於若干限制的情況下,作為決定法律規則的附屬方法的司法決定和不同國家最符合資格的國際法學家的教學。 此等條文一般被接受為構成國際公法來源的序列。中國亦視聯合國大會的決議作為國際公法的來源。 另見 Air law; Comparative law; Conflict of laws; International legal person; Private international law。




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