

单词 Demurrer
释义 抗訴
1. A former pleading by which one of the parties alleged that the preceding pleadings of the other party showed no good cause of action or defence. It was the former method of objecting in point of law to a pleading. There were two kinds of demurrer. A general demurrer raised the broad question whether the pleading was good in point of law. The special demurrer, which existed at common law and came to be used on a considerable scale, raised an objection to the form of the opponents’ pleading. Under the present law on civil procedure, a party by his pleadings may raise any point of law: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 18 r 11. If a pleading raises no reasonable cause of action or defence it may be struck out: O 18 r 19. 2. Under criminal law, no objection to an indictment shall be taken by way of demurrer, but if an indictment does not state in substance an indictable offence or states an offence not triable by the court, the accused person may move the court to quash it or in arrest of judgment: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 53(1). By the same token, no objection to a charge shall be taken by way of demurrer, but if a charge does not state, in substance, an offence or states an offence not triable by the court, the accused person may move the court to quash it or in arrest of judgment: District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) s 79(2), sch 2 pt II para 3. See also Striking out; Indictment.
1. 指其中一方在先前的狀書指稱另一方先前的狀書沒有顯示妥善的訴訟因由或抗辯理由。抗訴是過去就狀書上的法律論點而提出反對的一種方法。抗訴有兩類。一般的抗訴提出廣泛的問題,即有關的狀書是否有妥善的法律論點。存在於普通法中及被廣泛地使用的特別抗訴就反對人狀書的形式提出反對。按照現行的民事訴訟程序法,一方可籍狀書提出任何的法律論點:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第18號命令第11條規則。如狀書並無披露合理的訴訟因由或抗辯,則可被剔除:第18號命令第19條規則。 2. 在刑事法中,不得藉抗訴就公訴書提出反對,但如公訴書在實質上並無述明任何可公訴的罪行,或述明任何並非可由法院審訊的罪行,則被控人可動議法庭撤銷公訴書或阻止判決:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第53條。基於同一理由,不得藉抗訴就控告書提出反對,但如控罪在實質上並沒有陳述任何罪行,或陳述並非可由法院審訊的罪行,則被控人可動議法庭撤銷控罪或阻止判決:《區域法院條例》(第336章)第79(2)條,附表2第2部第3段。另見 Striking out; Indictment。n.




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