

单词 Public holiday
释义 公眾假期
Any day which is a general holiday by virtue of the provisions of the Holidays Ordinance (Cap 149): Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. The following days are observed as public holidays in Hong Kong: every Sunday, the first day of January, Lunar New Year’s Day, Ching Ming Festival, Good Friday, the day following Good Friday, Easter Monday, Labour day, The Buddha’s Birthday, Tuen Ng Festival, Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day, the day following Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, Chung Yeung Festival, Christmas Day, the first weekday following Christmas Day: Holidays Ordinance (Cap 149) sch.

任何按照公眾假期條例(第149章);釋義及通則條例(第1章) 第3條的條文的日期即屬公眾假期。以下的日期在香港屬於公眾假期:每個星期日、1月1日、農曆年初一至三、清明節、耶穌受難節、耶穌受難節翌日、復活節星期一、勞動節、佛誕、端午節、香港特別行政區成立紀念日、中秋節翌日、國慶日、重陽節、聖誕節、聖誕節後第一個周日。





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