

单词 Self-corroboration
释义 自我追加證明
Giving support or confirmation to one’s own prior statements or actions. Generally, a witness cannot corroborate his or her own testimony as corroboration must be extraneous to the witness whose acts or statements are to be corroborated: R v Whitehead [1929] 1 KB 99 (CCA). However, the physical condition of a victim may be corroborative of his or her testimony: R v Suddens [1964] Crim LR 606 (CA). See also Admissible evidence; Corroboration; Prior consistent statement; Prior inconsistent statement.
就自己本身之前的陳述或法律行動作出支持或確認。概括而言,證人不可證管實其本身的證供,因為證人的行為或陳述必須被外在的因素證實:R v Whitehead [1929] 1 KB 99 (形事上訴法院)。但受害人的身體狀態可以是其證供的追加證明: R v Suddens [1964] Crim LR 606 (上訴法院)。另見 Admissible evidence; Corroboration; Prior consistent statement; Prior inconsistent statement。




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