

单词 Poach
释义 偷獵/侵權
1. To take game or fish unlawfully. 2. To trespass onto another’s land for the purpose of taking fish or game. The animals which are the property of any person can be the subject of theft: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) ss 2-8. A person may be guilty of theft of a dead wild animal: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 1, Animals [20.013]. If a trespasser stalks an animal ferae naturae in the ground of one person, and hunts it into the ground of another and there kills it, the property has been held to be in the killer, who, however, is liable to an action for trespass for hunting in either ground: Churchward v Studdy (1811) 14 East 249. An action in conversion lies against the trespasser: Earl of Lonsdale v Rigg (1856) 11 Exch 654, 156 ER 992. See also Stealing; Theft; Trespass.
1. 非法攫取獵物或魚。  2. 為攫取獵物或魚而侵入他人土地。屬於他人財產的動物可成為盜竊的標的:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第2-8條。某人可犯盜竊已死野生動物罪:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第1冊,動物,第[20.013]段。如侵入人在某人的土地上追蹤野生動物,然後狩獵該頭動物至另一人的土地,最後殺死該頭動物,殺死動物的人會被判擁有動物的產權,但他會就侵入其中一地須承擔訴訟的法律責任:Churchward v Studdy (1811) 14 East 249。針對侵入人的侵佔訴訟: Earl of Lonsdale v Rigg (1856) 11 Exch 654, 156 ER 992。另見 Stealing; Theft; Trespass。v.




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