

单词 United Nations Charter 1945
释义 1945年聯合國憲章
The international legal instrument setting up the body of the United Nations, which was entered into at San Francisco, United States on 26 June 1945. The Charter of the United Nations 1945 sets forth the sovereign equality of all its member states and establishes the machinery to enable them to settle their disputes, maintain international peace, and cooperate together for the general welfare. It also states the aim to promote and encourage ‘respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all’: Charter of the United Nations 1945 art 1. See also Charter; Law of nations; United Nations; United Nations Security Council.
確立聯合國法團的國際法律文件,於1945年6月26日在美國三藩市訂立。《1945年聯合國憲章》闡明所有聯合國成員的主權平等,及確立機制使成員國能夠解決爭端、維持國際和平及為整體福祉而共同合作。《1945年聯合國憲章》亦述明其宗旨:促進及鼓勵「尊重人權及全人類基本自由」:《1945年聯合國憲章》第1條。另見 Charter; Law of nations; United Nations; United Nations Security Council。




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