

单词 Plot
释义 情節
In ordinary language, the combination of incidents and events which make up the narrative structure of a dramatic or literary work: for example Gilbert v Star Newspaper Co Ltd (1894) 11 TLR 4. In relation to intellectual property, the unauthorised reproduction of all or a substantial part of the original elements of a plot, without copying any particular manner of its expression, may infringe copyright: Harman Pictures NV v Osborne [1967] 1 WLR 723. See also Copyright; Dramatic work; Literary work.
Land - A piece of land. It includes any of those plots of ground that in association with the demise of certain of the parcels appear to have been set aside as land for use in cultivation to be held at annual rents additional to the rents required to be paid in respect of such parcels: Crown Lease (Pok Fu Lam) Ordinance (Cap 118) s 2.
 在日常用語中,指構成戲劇作品或文學作品敘事結構的事件及事情的組合:例如 Gilbert v Star Newspaper Co Ltd (1894) 11 TLR 4。就知識產權而言, 如沒有獲授權複製原作某情節的所有或重大部分,則在沒有複製任何原作表達的特殊模式的情況下,可能已侵犯版權:Harman Pictures NV v Osborne [1967] 1 WLR 723。另見 Copyright; Dramatic work; Literary work。
土地 -   一幅土地。包括在批租多幅土地中的若干幅土地時,看來曾連帶撥出作耕種用的多塊土地中的任何一塊土地,而持有此多塊土地,除須就該若干幅土地每年繳付地稅外,亦須就此多塊土地每年另繳地稅:《官契(薄扶林)條例》(第118章)第2條。n.




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