

单词 Police force
释义 警隊
An organised body of police officers whose function and duty is to maintain the peace and good domestic order, to prevent and detect crime, to protect life and property, and to provide emergency services. A member of the police force must always consider himself or herself on duty: Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232) s 21. Specific duties include taking the necessary steps to prevent crime, keep the peace, prevent property from criminal damage, maintain the orderly functioning of road traffic, to investigate, arrest and detain offenders and to assist other officers in the carrying out of all these tasks, and apprehend a member of the public if reasonable grounds exist: s 10. Members of the police force are chosen by annual vote or by the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council: s 11. The Chief Executive in Council may make such regulations called police regulations as he thinks expedient as to the government, administration and conditions of service of the police force: s 45(1). The regulations that have been made are the Police (Discipline) Regulations (Cap 232A) and the Police Force (Welfare Fund) Regulations (Cap 232C). See also Constable.
指有組織的警務人員團體,其職能及責任乃維護社會安寧及良好的本地秩序,防止及偵查罪案,保護生命及財產,及提供緊急援助服務等。一名警隊成員須把自己當作為一直在當值中:《警隊條例》(第232章)第21條。警隊的指明責任包括防止刑事罪,維護安寧,防止財產被刑事毀壞,維持路面交通有秩序運轉,調查、逮捕及扣留罪犯,及協助其他警務人員執行這些工作,以及在有合理理由下逮捕公眾人士:第10條。警隊成員由行政長官及立法會或以周年撥款選出:第11條。行政長官會同行政會議可訂立其認為對警隊管理、治理及服務條件適宜的規例,並稱為「警察規例」 :第45(1)條。已制訂的規例有《警察(紀律)規例》(第232A章)及《警察(福利基金)規例》(第232B章)。另見 Constable。




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