

单词 Standing
释义 起訴權
The capacity and right of persons to be heard in courts and tribunals. The test for standing in a matter depends on the nature of the matter, the relief sought, and the relevant law. The question of whether one has standing to commence legal proceedings usually only arises where the proceedings have a public element (for example, those challenging government decisions or seeking to enforce public rights and duties), as distinct from legal proceedings that are private in nature (for example, actions for breach of contract). On an application for leave to apply for judicial review, the applicant has to satisfy the Court of First Instance that, among other things, it is arguable that he or she has a sufficient interest in the subject-matter of the decisions in question: In Re The Association of Expatriate Civil Servants of Hong Kong & Ors [1995] 1 HKLR 75. Whether a body ‘operates in the public sphere’ or not could hardly be the right test for determining whether it is precluded by law from suing for defamation; a university, which has an undoubted reputation which the common law would protect, is not precluded from maintaining its suit for damages for defamation: Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Ors v Next Magazine Publishing Ltd & Anor [1997] HKLRD 514. The father of an unborn child does not have the standing to mount an action seeking an injunction against his wife to prevent an abortion taking place without his consent: Paton v British Pregnancy Advisory Service Trustees [1979] QB 276. Some statutes confer standing on a person by express words. For instance, a properly interested person or the Secretary for Justice may apply to the Court of First Instance for an order that an inquest be held into the death of a deceased: Coroners Ordinance (Cap 504) s 20. Also known as ‘locus standi’. See also Locus standi; Public interest litigation; Test case.
在法院和審裁處獲得聆訊的資格和權利。某事項之起訴權的測試視乎有關事項的性質,謀求的濟助及有關的法律。如有關的法律程序涉及公眾的元素 (例如挑戰政府的決定或謀求強制執行權利和義務),則通常才會產生一人是否有起訴權展開法律程序的問題,這與私人性質的法律訴訟程序有別(例如違反合約的訴訟)。在申請司法覆核許可時,申請人須使原訟法庭信納,在連同其他事宜下,可論證的是他在有關決定的標的事項上是否有足夠的權益:In Re The Association of Expatriate Civil Servants of Hong Kong & Ors [1995] 1 HKLR 75。一個團體是否「在公共範圍內運作」幾乎不可能成為正確的測試,以判斷法律是否會阻止提出誹謗的控告;普通法會保障其無庸置疑的聲譽的大學,並不會被阻止繼續進行訴訟,以追討誹謗罪的損害賠償:Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Ors v Next Magazine Publishing Ltd & Anor [1997] HKLRD 514。如妻子在沒有得到其丈夫的同意下進行墜貽,則未出生子女的父親沒有起訴權作出謀求針對其妻阻止她墜胎的強制令的訴訟:Paton v British Pregnancy Advisory Service Trustees [1979] QB 276。若干法規以明示詞句授予一人起訴權。例如有適當利害關係的人或律政司司長可向原訟法庭提出申請就某人的死亡進行死因研訊的命令:《死因裁判官條例》(第504章)第20條。另稱「出庭資格」。另見 Locus standi; Public interest litigation; Test case。n.




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