

单词 Standard patent
释义 標準專利
A patent right suitable for protecting inventions predicted to have a relatively long commercial life. It confers protection for a maximum of 20 years from the date of filing the application in the designated patent office, subject to payment of renewal fees from the third year after its grant. The Patents Ordinance provides for the registration as a standard patent of a patent which has been registered in the Patent Offices of Beijing, London and Munich (Patents Ordinance (Cap 514) s 8), as Hong Kong does not operate an independent patent examination office to determine the patentability of any invention. Standard patents are granted in reliance upon the reflecting grants made by those Patent Offices. The standard patent takes effect on the date of advertisement of its grant in the Gazette: s 39(1). After three years from grant of a standard patent, any person may apply to the court for a compulsory licence on any one of a number of grounds relating mainly to insufficient exploitation of the invention in Hong Kong: s 61(1), (2). See also Patent; Patent application; Petty patent.
此專利權適合作為保障預計有相對較長商業生命的發明。標準專利賦予最多20年的保障,並由於指定的專利當局提交申請的日期起計,但須由批予有關專利後的第三年起支付續期費。專利條例讓已在北京,倫敦及慕尼黑專利當局註冊的專利可註冊成為標準專利(專利條例(第514章)第8條),因香港沒有獨立的專利檢驗當局以決定任何發明的可專利性。會依據由該專利當局作出的具反映性的批予批給標準專利。有關的標準專利在憲報刊登其獲批予的事實的日期起生效:第39 (1)條)。在批予標準專利三年之後,任何人可向法院基於若干理由的其中之一(主要關於在香港有關的發明沒有受到足夠的剝削)申請強制性特許:第61(1)及(2)條。 另見 Patent; Patent application; Petty patent。




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