

单词 Standard of proof
释义 舉證的準則
An objective measure for determining whether or not a fact or issue has been proved. See also Legal burden.
Criminal law - In criminal proceedings, the level of proof that must be obtained to prove a case. Where the matter is raised by the prosecution, the burden of proof is on the prosecution and the standard of proof is proof beyond reasonable doubt; if the matter is raised by the accused, the burden of proof is on him, but the standard of proof is proof on the balance of probabilities: R v Robertson [1968] 3 All ER 557, 52 Cr App Rep 690 (CA). The jury must be given accurate information with regard to the standard of proof: Chan Chuen Ho v HKSAR [1999] 2 HKLRD 203. In criminal proceedings, a defendant’s case is proved if the court is satisfied that the case has been proved on the balance of probabilities: R v Carr-Briant [1943] KB 607, 2 All ER 156, CCA. See also Beyond reasonable doubt.
Tort - The degree of certainty with which disputed facts in a criminal or civil action must be established in order to be accepted as proved. As for civil action, the standard of proof is proof on a balance of probabilities, although the more serious the charge the higher the degree of probability required: Blyth v Blyth [1966] AC 643, 1 All ER 524 (HL). In Hong Kong it has been held that expressions such as ‘100% certainty’ and ‘mathematical certainty’ should be avoided: R v Yeung Kuen Chi [1984] HKLR 447. One approved formula is to tell the jury that it must be ‘satisfied so as to be sure’: Walters v R [1969] 2 AC 26. However, even within this formula variations in subject matter or in allegations will affect the standard required (Blyth v Blyth, supra); the more serious the allegation, for example fraud, crime or professional misconduct, the higher will be the required degree of proof, although it will not reach the criminal standard (Nishina Trading Co Ltd v Chiyoda Fire and Marine Insurance Co Ltd [1969] 2 QB 449, 2 All ER 776 (CA)). In relation to a disciplinary tribunal’s hearing; the standard of proof is expressed to be close to the criminal standard of proof: Dr Mu Lie Lian v The Medical Council of Hong Kong (CACV 18/94, unreported). See also Balance of probabilities; Burden of proof.
判斷事實或爭論點是否已得到證明的客觀方法。 另見 Legal burden。
刑法 - 在刑事法律程序,必須達到以證明有關案件的證明水平。如控方提出有關的事宜,則控方有舉證責任,而舉證的準則是證明無合理疑點;如被告提出有關的事宜,則被告有舉證責任,但舉證的準則是相對可能性的衡量:R v Robertson [1968] 3 All ER 557, 52 Cr App Rep 690 (英國上訴法院)。須就舉證的準則給予陪審團準確的資料:Chan Chuen Ho v HKSAR [1999] 2 HKLRD 203。在形事法律程序,如法院信納有關的情況已基於相對可能性的衡量得到證明,則被告的情況已得到證明 :R v Carr-Briant [1943] KB 607, 2 All ER 156。另見 Beyond reasonable doubt。
侵權 - 須證明在刑事或民事訴訟受爭議的事實,以被信納為已證明有若干確切程度的事實。就民事訴訟而言,舉證的準則是證明相對可能性的衡量,但控罪越是嚴重,所需的相對可能性的程度越高:Blyth v Blyth [1966] AC 643, 1 All ER 524 (上議院)。在香港,已判定應避免使用例如「100%確切」及「數學上的確切」等詞句:R v Yeung Kuen Chi [1984] HKLR 447。一個認可的方式是告訴陪審團有關的證明必須「得以信納以確定」有關的事宜:Walters v R [1969] 2 AC 26。但即使在這方式之內,變更標的事項或指稱會影響所需的標準 (Blyth v Blyth,見上文);即指稱越是嚴重,例如欺詐,罪行或專業失當行為,所需的舉證的程度越高,但不會達到有關的刑事準則,(Nishina Trading Co Ltd v Chiyoda Fire and Marine Insurance Co Ltd [1969] 2 QB 449, 2 All ER 776 (英國上訴法院))。就紀律審裁處的聆訊而言,舉證的準則應是接近刑事的舉證準則:Dr Mu Lie Lian v The Medical Council of Hong Kong (民事上訴94年第18號,未經彙報)。另見 Balance of probabilities; Burden of proof。




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