

单词 Detinue
释义 要求歸還扣留物的訴訟
One of the oldest actions in common law, dating back to the twelfth century. The wrongful retention of the possession of a chattel or the failure to deliver up the chattel when demanded: Jones v Dowle (1841) 9 M & W 19. For example when a person wrongfully detains the goods of another, or improperly parts with possession of them or when a bailee loses goods and cannot show that the loss was without default on his part: Yien Yieh Commercial Bank Ltd v Kwai Chung Cold Storage Co Ltd [1988] 2 HKLR 569 (CA) (Conversion). An unjustified refusal to deliver goods after a valid demand for them enables the owner to sue immediately in detinue and may be evidence of conversion: Morris v Pugh & Harwood (1761) 3 Burr 1242. Wrongful detention, it is usual to prove demand and refusal after reasonable time to comply with the demand. See also Conversion; Tort; Trespass.
可追溯至12世紀的其中一種最古老的普通法訴訟。不當留存實產之管有,或在應要求下,沒有交付實產的管有權:Jones v Dowle (1841) 9 M & W 19。例如某人不當地扣留另一人的貨品、或不當地放棄對有關貨品之管有權,或受託保管人失去貨品,而又未能證明錯不在他:Yien Yieh Commercial Bank Ltd v Kwai Chung Cold Storage Co Ltd [1988] 2 HKLR 569 (上訴法庭)(侵佔/轉為己用)。在作出有效的要求後,如在沒有正當理由的情況下被拒絕交回貨品,則擁有人可因而即時提起要求歸還扣留物的訴訟,並可作為侵佔的證據:Morris v Pugh & Harwood (1761) 3 Burr 1242。就不當扣留而言,通常須證明曾作出要求,並且在給予對方合理的遵守時間後,對方拒絕交回貨品。另見 Conversion; Tort; Trespass。n.




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