

单词 Receiver's indemnity
释义 接管人的彌償
A receiver’s security over the assets of the corporation for liabilities properly incurred in the ordinary course of the receiver’s duties and for which the receiver is personally liable: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 298A(2). The receiver prima facie only has right to be indemnified out of those assets: s 298A(2). However, a receiver appointed by the court has no right of indemnity against the partners personally: Boehm v Goodall [1911] 1 Ch 155. A receiver who is made personally liable in the course of his duties carried out in good faith is entitled to be indemnified out of the assets over which he is the receiver: Re British Power Traction and Lighting Co Ltd [1910] 2 Ch 470. Where a receiver is appointed out of court he should negotiate an indemnity from the debenture holders or mortgagee before accepting the appointment. See also Receiver.
接管人在公司資產的保證,就接管人在通常履行責任過程中正當地招致的法律責任而言,接管人對此要承擔個人法律責任:《公司條例》(第32章)第298A(2)條 。接管人表面只有從公司資產中獲得彌償的權利:第298A(2)條。但由法院委任的接管人並沒有針對合夥人本人而獲得彌償的權利: Boehm v Goodall [1911] 1 Ch 155。接管人以真誠履行其責任時招致個人的法律責任則有權從公司資產中獲得彌償,他是有關資產的接管人:Re British Power Traction and Lighting Co Ltd [1910] 2 Ch 470。如接管人由法院以外委任,他應在接受委任前從債權證持有人或承按人商議彌償。另見 Receiver。




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