

单词 Mutual corroboration
释义 相互佐證
At common law, corroboration of the evidence of a witness by the testimony of another witness whose evidence also needs to be corroborated, whether for the same or some different reason to the first witness. The common law originally held that it was not possible for one witness whose testimony required corroboration to be corroborated by another witness whose testimony also required corroboration and vice versa: R v Manser (1934) 25 Cr App R 8. In Hong Kong, any requirement whereby at a trial by and before a judge and jury it is obligatory for the judge to give the jury a warning about convicting the accused on the uncorroborated evidence of a person merely because that person is an alleged accomplice of the accused has been abrogated: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 60(1). The evidence of one accomplice can corroborate the evidence of another accomplice: HKSAR v Law Hay Chung (CACC 628/98, unreported); HKSAR v Leung Wong (CACC 338/2000, unreported). Where the accomplices give independent evidence of separate incidents and the circumstances are such as to exclude the danger of a jointly fabricated story, they can corroborate each other: DPP v Kilbourne [1973] AC 729. See also Access; Accomplice; Co-accused; Corroboration; Corroborative testimony.
就普通法而言,以另一名證人的證供去證明一名證人作出的證供,而該另一名證人的證供也需要佐證,不論是為與第一證人相同或不同的理由。普通法原來規定一名證人的證供,要由另一名證人的證供佐證,而該另一名證人所作的證供又需要佐證,這種情形是不可能的。在香港,如根據任何規定,在法官會同陪審團主持的審訊中以及在法官會同陪審團席前進行的審訊中,法官純因某人是被控人的指稱從犯而必須就根據該人的無佐證證據將被控人定罪一事向陪審團給予警告,則該規定巳廢止:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第60(1)條。一名從犯的證據可證實另一名從犯的證據:HKSAR v Law Hay Chung(刑事上訴1998年第628號,未經彙報);HKSAR v Leung Wong(刑事上訴2000年第338號,未經彙報)。凡從 犯就另一宗事宜作出獨立證供,而環境排除共同捏造故事,他們當可互相印證:DPP v Kilbourne [1973] AC 729。另見 Access; Accomplice; Co-accused; Corroboration; Corroborative testimony。




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