

单词 Arrest
释义 拘捕
The seizure or touching of a person’s body with a view to his or her restraint: Sandon v Jervis (1859) EB & E 935. The officer must have a reasonable suspicion that an offence has been committed: A-G v Kong Chung Shing [1980] HKLR 533 (CA). Mere possibility of guilt is not sufficient to justify an arrest: Chan Sze Shing v A-G & Anor [1980] HKLR 550 (CA). Mere pronouncing of words of arrest is not an arrest unless the person sought to be arrested submits to the process: R v Jones, ex p Moore [1965] Crim LR 222. An arrest could occur where the words used are calculated to bring to the accused’s notice that he is under compulsion and he submits to that compulsion: Alderson v Booth [1969] 2 All ER 271, 2 QB 216. If the officer merely makes a request to the suspect, leading the suspect to understand that they are at liberty to come or refuse, there is no arrest. The distinction does not only depend on the words, but also the manner in which they are spoken and on all the circumstances: R v Inwood [1973] 2 All ER 645, 57 Cr App Rep 529 (CA). The arrested person is entitled to know the reasons for his arrest: Christie & Anor v Leachinsky [1947] AC 573 (HL); Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap 383) s 5(2); R v Chan King Hei & Ors [1995] 2 HKCLR 288, 2 HKC 681, 5 HKPLR 362 (CA). A failure to inform the reasons for arrest could be cured afterwards: R v Kulynycz [1970] 3 All ER 881, 55 Cr App Rep 34, [1971] 1 QB 367 (CA). See also Citizens arrest; Lawful arrest; Unlawful arrest.
為了限制某人的行動而捕捉他/她或觸碰其身軀:Sandon v Jervis (1859) EB & E 935。該警務人員必須有合理懷疑有罪案發生:A-G v Kong Chung Shing [1980] HKLR 533(上訴法院)。僅有犯罪的可能並不足為拘捕的充分理由:Chan Sze Shing v A-G & Anor [1980] HKLR 550(上訴法院)。除非將被拘捕的人接受拘捕,否則僅表示拘捕並不構成拘捕:R v Jones, ex p Moore [1965] Crim LR 222。若所用字眼是用作使被告知道其行動將受限制而,及他/她接受受限制,則可構成拘捕:Alderson v Booth [1969] 2 All ER 271, 2 QB 216。若警務人員對疑犯僅作出要求,致使疑犯明白他/她有合作或拒絕合作的自由,則不構成拘捕。分別不僅視乎所用字眼,亦視乎說話的態度及所有情況:R v Inwood [1973] 2 All ER 645, 57 Cr App Rep 529(英國上訴法院)。被拘捕的人有權知道其被捕的理由:Christie & Anor v Leachinsky [1947] AC 573(高等法院);《香港人權法條例》(第383章)第5(2)條;R v Chan King Hei & Ors [1995] 2 HKCLR 288, 2 HKC 681, 5 HKPLR 362(上訴法院)。未有告知拘捕的理由,可於其後補救:R v Kulynycz [1970] 3 All ER 881, 55 Cr App Rep 34, [1971] 1 QB 367(英國上訴法院)。另見Citizens arrest; Lawful arrest; Unlawful arrest。n.




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