

单词 Passport
释义 護照
An official identity and nationality document used for travel purposes, issued by a state to its nationals. It means a Hong Kong SAR Passport issued by the Director under the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passports Ordinance: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passports Ordinance (Cap 539) ss 2, 3. A passport requests foreign states to allow the bearer free entry and safe passage, and to recognise that the bearer is a national of the issuing state. It is also evidence of the formal permission, given by the issuing state to its bearer, to travel to other States, and to return to the issuing state. See also Nationality.
由某國家簽發予國民,用於外遊的官方身分和國籍證明文件,即處長根據《香港特別行政區護照條例》第3條發出的香港特別行政區護照:《香港特別行政區護照條例》(第539章)第2條。護照要求外國容許護照持有人自由進入和安全通過,並確認護照持有人為簽發國家的公民。護照亦是簽發國家正式批准護照持有人到其他國家並返回簽發國家的證明文件。另見 Nationality。 n.




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