

单词 Involuntary confession
释义 非自願供狀
Acknowledgement of wrongdoing made without volition. An involuntary confession is not admissible: S-J v Lam Tat Ming & Anor [2000] 2 HKLRD 431 (CFA). A confession will only be voluntary where it was made in exercise of a free choice to speak or be silent: R v Sang [1979] 2 All ER 1222, [1980] AC 402 (HL); S-J v Lam Chi Ming & Ors [1991] 2 HKLR 191 (PC). A confession is involuntary if it is obtained by fear of prejudice or hope of advantage excited or held out by a person in authority: DPP v Ping Lin [1975] 3 All ER 175, [1976] AC 574 (HL); R v Lam Yip Ying [1984] HKLR 419 (CA). A confession is also involuntary if it is obtained by oppression: R v Prager [1972] 1 All ER 1114, 1 WLR 260 (CA); HKSAR v Leung Chiu Ming [2001] 1 HKLRD 272 (CA). A statement signed by the accused as a result of a fraudulent misrepresentation made by a person in authority as to the character of the document is also involuntary: Ajodha v Trinidad and Tobago [1982] AC 204 (PC); S-J v Lam Tat Ming, supra. Where a confession is obtained in breach of the Secretary for Security’s ‘Rules and Directions for the questioning of suspects and the taking of statements’, judges have discretion to exclude a confession even if it was made voluntarily: R v To Kai Sui [1980] HKC 112, HKLR 440 (CA). See also Admissible evidence; Admission; Fraudulent misrepresentation; Oppression; Right to silence; Voluntariness.
非本身意願下對過錯作出承認的。非自願供狀為不可被接納的證據:S-J v Lam Tat Ming & Anor [2000] 2 HKLRD 431(終審法院)。只有在行使自由選擇的情形下作出的供狀為自願供狀:R v Sang [1979] 2 All ER 1222, [1980] AC 402(上議院);S-J v Lam Chi Ming & Ors [1991] 2 HKLR 191(樞密院)。因害怕遭受損害,或因有權力人士引起或顯示會得到好處的希望而所作的供狀為非自願的:DPP v Ping Lin [1975] 3 All ER 175, [1976] AC 574(上議院);R v Lam Yip Ying [1984] HKLR 419(上訴法院)。以壓迫手法取得的供狀亦為非自願供狀:R v Prager [1972] 1 All ER 1114, 1 WLR 260(英國上訴法院);HKSAR v Leung Chiu Ming [2001] 1 HKLRD 272(上訴法院)。被控人因為有權人士就文件的性質所作的欺詐失實陳述而簽署的陳述書是為非自願供狀:Ajodha v Trinidad and Tobago [1982] AC 204(樞密院);S-J v Lam Tat Ming, supra。在違反保安局局長發出的《年查問疑犯及錄取口供的規則及指示》下所取得的供狀,縱然是自願作出的,法官仍有酌情決定權將供狀豁除:R v To Kai Sui [1980] HKC 112, HKLR 440(上訴法院)。另見 Admissible evidence; Admission; Fraudulent misrepresentation; Oppression; Right to silence; Voluntariness。




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