

单词 Involuntary manslaughter
释义 非自願誤殺
The unlawful killing of a human being in circumstances which do not amount to murder because the accused lacked the necessary mens rea for murder. There are two types of involuntary manslaughter at common law: a killing by an unlawful and dangerous act, which all reasonable people would consider that the act would inevitably expose the victim to at least some harm (DPP v Newsbury [1977] AC 500 (HL)); a killing of person as a result of a breach of duty to that person which amounts to gross negligence (Andrews v DPP [1937] 2 All ER 552, AC 576 (HL)): Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.322], [130.323]. The doctrine of transferred intention or malice applies, so an unlawful and dangerous act directed at one person and killing another is manslaughter of the latter: R v Mitchell [1983] 2 All ER 427, QB 741 (CA). See also Criminal negligence; Homicide; Manslaughter; Unlawful and dangerous act; Voluntary manslaughter.
因被控人沒有謀殺所需的犯罪意圖,故此他是在不構成謀殺的情況下非法殺死另一人。普通法下,有兩種非自願誤殺:因非法及危險的行為殺人,即所有合理的人也應知道該行為會無可避免地使受害人接觸到危險者(DPP v Newsbury [1977] AC 500(上議院));在違反對受害人的責任之情形下殺人,並構成嚴重疏忽者(Andrews v DPP [1937] 2 All ER 552, AC 576(上議院));Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第9冊,刑法與刑事訴訟程序,第[130.322]及[130.323]段。轉移意圖或轉移惡意的原則在此處適用,故此針對某人作出非法及危險行為,但卻殺死另一人,這會構成對該另一人的誤殺:R v Mitchell [1983] 2 All ER 427, QB 741(英國上訴法院)。另見 Criminal negligence; Homicide; Manslaughter; Unlawful and dangerous act; Voluntary manslaughter。




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