

单词 Squeeze out
释义 擠出
A technique adopted by majority shareholders in a company to exclude minority shareholders from corporate management and to compel such minority shareholders to dispose of their investment. Common techniques include withholding information about the company’s affairs, dismissal of minority members from executive positions, appointing additional directors to reduce the minority’s influence at board level, withholding dividends, amendment of articles in terms unfavourable to the minority and allotting share capital to dilute the minority’s holding. Minority shareholders may in some circumstances seek redress against squeeze out techniques. Remedies may be available if the action complained of is unfairly prejudicial: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 168A. See also Directors’ duties; Fraud on the minority; Minority interest; Oppressive, unfairly prejudicial or unfairly discriminatory conduct.
指持股量超過半數的股東所採取的方法,用以排除少數股東於公司管理之外,及迫使這些少數股東處置其投資。一般的方法包括隱瞞有關公司事務的資料,解僱任高級行政職位的少數股東,委任額外的董事以減低少數股東在董事局的影響力,不派發股息,作不利少數股東的章程細則修改,及配售股本以沖淡少數股東的持股量。在某些情況下,少數股東可糾正擠出方法。假如投訴的行為屬不公平損害,少數股東可尋求補救:《公司條例》(第32章)第168A條。另見 Directors’ duties; Fraud on the minority; Minority interest; Oppressive, unfairly prejudicial or unfairly discriminatory conduct。




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